Networking. Innovative. Inspiring: ZELLCHEMING 2023

From June 20 to 22, this year's ZELLCHEMING Expo was held at the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden, Germany, with representatives from the paper, cellulose and fiber-based industries. True to the motto "Networking. Innovative. Inspiring." numerous impulse lectures, panel discussions and workshops took place. Also present were our colleagues from Koehler Innovation & Technology, who were not only on site as sponsors of the event, but also used the platform to exchange technological experiences. The trade fair focused on the latest developments in the European paper, pulp and fiber industry. "At Zellcheming you meet many partners as well as colleagues from the paper industry. Many new ideas for developments or optimizations are generated and you get a good impression of what the needs are on the market," Dominik Hoferer, Head of Specialty Paper/Process Development at Koehler Innovation & Technology, summarizes the expo.
ZELLCHEMING is an independent, interdisciplinary, technical-scientific platform in the field of bioeconomy with a focus on pulp, paper and fiber-based materials, which aims to provide impetus and also promote young talent in the industry. To this end, Dr.-Ing. Gerrit Roosen, Head of Process Technology at Koehler Paper's Kehl site, received this year's ZELLCHEMING Young Scientists Award. The award is given for outstanding scientific, technological and business achievements in the fields of pulp and paper production and refining, as well as environmental protection, to employees younger than 35 from industry and science. Gerrit Roosen and his team are responsible for process technology issues in the context of process and product development and work closely with colleagues at Koehler Innovation & Technology.