Focus on Future Generations: New Sustainability Report Published

As a family business, the Koehler Group, which also includes Koehler Innovation & Technology, focuses not on its quarterly results, but rather on the long-term future and generations to come. In this second sustainability report, the company therefore provides the first details of its 2030 sustainability strategy and the ambitious targets that it has set itself as a business.

The United Nations (UN) has set out sustainable development targets in its 2030 Agenda. All members of the UN – 193 countries worldwide – have committed to implement these targets, known as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Although the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are first and foremost intended for nation-states, the Koehler group, as a family business, firmly believes that it too has a role to play in meeting these targets. To this end, it has now published its 2030 sustainability strategy for the very first time, setting out the company’s roadmap to sustainable growth.

The 2030 sustainability strategy sets out the Koehler plan to ensure all the financial, social, and environmental aspects of the Koehler Group come together to create a more sustainable future.

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