Developing sustainable value chains: Koehler Innovation & Technology at the Paper & Biorefinery Conference in Graz

International experts from the wood, paper and pulp value chain met in Graz from 24 to 25 May 2023 for the annual Paper & Biorefinery Conference. The joint initiative consisting of the "APV Graz - Akademischer Papieringenieurs Verein" (Academic Paper Engineers Association) of TU Graz, the "Austropapier - Vereinigung der Österreichischen Papierindustrie" (Association of the Austrian Paper Industry) and the "ÖZEPA Österreichische Vereinigung der Zellstoff- und Papierchemiker und -techniker" (Austrian Association of Pulp and Paper Chemists and Technicians) had invited the participants. The focus this year was on sustainable energy solutions.
In addition to numerous interesting discussions and the professional exchange with the experts present, Dr. Markus Wildberger, Corporate Director Technology at Koehler Innovation & Technology, followed the various presentations with interest. One of the participants was the "Modellfabrik Papier" (Model Paper Factory) initiative with Managing Director Peter Bekaert, who spoke on the topic of "Leading the way for sustainable paper production". "We want to make our contribution here, on the one hand within the framework of the chairmanship of the Modellfabrik Papier shareholders' committee, but also on the other hand with our know-how and the technical equipment of Koehler Innovation & Technology, in order to accompany the value chain seamlessly. And we do this across all stages of the circular economy, right up to the end of the life cycle, in order to keep perfecting a product and a process," says Dr. Markus Wildberger, explaining his participation in the conference in Graz.
With its "Modellfabrik Papier", the paper industry has founded an initiative to achieve the climate goals of tomorrow. Pre-competitive research to develop disruptive and scalable technologies is its mission, and climate-neutral paper production by 2045 is its goal. It is supported in this by seven renowned scientific institutes from Germany.
Further information on the "Modellfabrik Papier" initiative